The Maryland Tobacco Quitline helps hundreds of Marylanders each day on their quit journey. Learn more about the success of the program and ways to support those taking the steps to quit for good.
Telephone-based cessation support through 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) with 24/7 counseling.
Text message support can be one of your options in addition to phone or web services.
24/7 online counseling and feedback from coaches trained to assist in the quitting process.
“I made a choice to stop smoking and could not have done it without Quitline.”
Daily use: 1 pack per day; Duration: 15 years
“When you are ready to quit smoking, contact the Quitline and start a new chapter in your life. You will be filled with pride and self-confidence by being able to beat this horrible, nasty habit”.
Daily use: over a pack a day; Duration: 25 years
“The Quitline coaches knew exactly what I was going through as a smoker.”
Daily use: 10-14 cigarettes a day; Duration: 32 years
“I feel so much better since I have stopped smoking. You have got to call the Quitline, they are great. They will stick with you until you are free of tobacco.”
Duration: 41 years
“I was a smoker for 36 years. One day my boss, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Robert B. Kershaw, and I discussed smoking as an addiction. I’ve worked for him for 2 years; he knows me well and was concerned for me. I decided I needed to change my bad habit. I finally had the motivation I needed to quit smoking. I heard about 1-800-QUIT-NOW from my doctor and decided to give them a call. I tried so many different ways but the Quitline, my Quit Coach, my family, and my faith helped me to succeed. I’ve been smoke-free for 9 months and I am happy I quit. My family and my boss are, too.”
Daily use: 1.5 packs per day; Duration: 36 years
How can I support a friend or family member who is trying to quit tobacco use?
Quitting smoking can take on average seven attempts before the smoker quits for good. In other words—it’s not easy! There are several ways you can support a loved one who is trying to quit.
Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW, even if you don’t use tobacco yourself, to receive tips from a coach on how to help others trying to quit.
Give your loved ones the support they need. Different people will benefit from different kinds of help. Ask the person who is quitting tobacco what kind of support he or she wants. Ask them what things have helped them keep from using tobacco in the past. Help them out with things that may cause stress. You can send encouraging texts, listen if they are having a particularly tough day, suggest going for a walk, and applaud them for making this big change!
The decision to quit is theirs, but your support can help them succeed. Encourage them to use the Maryland Tobacco Quitline, 1-800-QUIT-NOW, for free help with their goal.